
ISO open source software

There are some projects do have ISO file for downloading. That means you could run this solution with in 20 minutes on a physics machine or a vmware session. You can just download this ISO image file and burn it on a blank cd; then you will insert it into DVD/CD driver of your target machine, after press few enter keys; You finally got all software on this box. Reboot this machine, you get everything up an running on it; including a Linux OS and everything which the solution depends on.

I had tested out only few of ISO open source software.

It looks like actually two open source software collections. Let's look inside those ISO files, it is a bootable Linux install disk with all necessary software.

CactiEZ has following parts:

  1. Cacti and plugins (Discovery, flowviewer, mac Track, nTop, syslog, Thold, etc..)

  2. Nagios

CactiEZ is focusing on Cacti. Now it does not provide free download. You will pay few $$$; it's a great ISO open source software and worthy to pay for Jimmy's effort. I have a old version for you to download. click here. 下载 cactiez

There is architecture picture of OSSIM. OAAIM use sensor for collecting data over network. A typical OSSIM Sensor configuration would do the following functions:

  1. IDS (Snort)

  2. Vulnerability Scanner (Nessus)

  3. Anomaly Detection (Spade, p0f, pads, arpwatch, RRD ab behaviour)

  4. Network Monitoring and Profiling (Ntop)

  5. Collecting from local routers, firewalls, IDS’s, etc

  6. It could even act as a Firewall

I love ISO open source software, for the following reasons:

  • Easy to install on a physic machine.

  • Time Saving. You just use it right away after you load everything and reboot that machine.

Linux is basically a ISO based open source software. If you know more others, not Linux; please let me know.

