Slax - your pocket operating system
Slax is a modern, portable, small and fast Linux operating system with a modular approach and outstanding design. Despite its small size, Slax provides a wide collection of pre-installed software for daily use, including a well organized graphical user interface and useful recovery tools for system administrators.
The modular approach gives you the ability to include any other software in Slax easily. If you're missing your favourite text editor, networking tool or game, simply download a module with the software and copy it to Slax, no need to install, no need to configure.
If you are a beginner or you're just too busy to make it yourself, follow a few steps to build your own customized operating system by using web-based interface here.
Slax How to
Slax是一个USB Linux,安装它的方式很简单,下载Slax的tar文件到usb key。usb key最好是1GB以上,整个Slax大概六七百MB;usb key现在很便宜,建议买一个大的。如果你是在windows下面下载并安装这个东西,建议最好把usb key先格式化一下,别格式化成NTFS格式,我的usb第一次安装没成功,后来格式化一边在copy tar文件,解压缩后,运行那个安装文件,就是一个bat文件,它会把这个linux的启动菜单装到,usb的引导区。那个bat文件会一闪就停住,关闭窗口。安装就这个结束了,整个过程10分钟左右。推出windows,在笔记本电脑启动的时间,按F12,在系统启动菜单上选择从usb启动。很快slax的启动画面就显示出来了,在这个菜单中,我选择了copy slax to ram;这样它会把整个系统都装入内存运行;我的笔记本电脑有4G内存,所以我想充分利用这个资源提速。进入系统后,系统是一个KDE桌面非常熟悉。如果你想按照其他的程序的话,你可以到slax的网站上下载其他的模块,copy到那个制定的目录中,通过桌面里的模块管理工具或者命令行都可以激活新的应用,下面你就能在程序菜单中找到了。在slax的桌面系统中你可以直接访问到windows的分区,系统在启动时自动把windows的文件系统识别并且加载了。